lp0 on fire

My personal blog

SPTarkov: How did I get into EFT?

Back in 2017, you could play the beta 0.11 release if you owned the most expensive edition of the game (Edge of Darkness, 150EU at that time in the Netherlands). The game looked super cool and I really wanted to play, so me and a friend got together. I said to him: "I'll buy it, if you buy me a PSP-1000!" (An old game console). Naturally, the latter never happend as he forget things as naturally as he breaths, still owing me that PSP-1000 to this day.

While there wasn't that much content, it was one of the very few extraction shooters on the market. The gunplay looked incredibly detailed and the artstyle is distinct. The game is however very challenging as very competative players are attracted to that type of game.

I'm not that much of a gamer, let alone a FPS player. Due to my poor eyesight, I can roughly see half of the monitor (the middle part) and my reaction time always has been atrocious. It didn't stop me from playing.

Most of my time was spend dying as a scav (a free character with randomized bad equipment that's generated every 30 minutes or so), trying to extract with the free loot to free up my inventory. Looking at the facebook page, the cool gear was there. But even if I was terrible, I got some of the cool stuff too for owning the expensive edition. Money does solve some problems in life.

I kept the MPX with the VOMZ Pilad Weaver sight stashed in my inventory, only doing offline raids (a match against bots without loot loss) with them. Plenty of spare time was spend fantasizing about of dressing my character in the coolest gear.