lp0 on fire

My personal blog

Story: A gentle warmth

Time ticks slowly. The white walls surround me. Doors labeled with numbers. Steps reverb in the hallway. Man and woman in white dresses and coats passing by. A soft ambient humming from the air purifier. "Where is it again?", I check the note in my pocket. Room 243. A burning chill goes down my spine. Breath turned cold, fatigue hitting me. I really don't want to go.

The woman besides the entrance greets me. "You only got 10 minutes". I gave her a nod, grabbed the knob and opened the door. I take off all my cloths in the dressing room, decontaminate the freshly bought cloths from the local store and proceed to take a shower. Once dressed up, I enter the room.

A relatively small woman besides the window on the bed, dressed in a white pajama covered by a white blanket. With a heavy but gentle smile she greeted me. "Welcome back". Her blue eyes shine brightly like diamonds reflect the stars. The little strength I had fades away. I fall to my knees in front of the bed by her side, and cry as I hold her hand. The ashes fade slowly as she holds me, the tears fall down as she consoles me. We both know what will happen next. I kiss her lips deeply as I hold her hair gently. Wanting to hold on, knowing we have to let go.

Her heartbeat slows down. We whisper sweet words, hopes and dreams. "We'll be together even if we're far apart". To which I reply "We'll meet on the other side". She was getting cold. She asks me if she could wish for one more thing, to hold her in my arms. I press her tightly against me, exchanging her gentle warmth with mine.

I tell her "I love you" as she draws her last breath. The heartbeat monitor flatlines. Many needles in her arms with threads leading to various bags of colorful liquid. The doctors rush in. "I'll see you soon" I say with a gentle smile as I caress her and attentively watch over her.