lp0 on fire

My personal blog

Website: Small update

Not much to note today, so this will be a smaller entry.

While going through the pages of my website to review the contents, I noticed that the lyrics in the War article had a lot of spacing at the end. After a bit of debugging, markdown-it showed the right html output, meaning that linkedom was doing some weird stuff. Migrating back to jsdom revealed that this was indeed the case. Back to jsdom for the time being.

I've also taken the time to fix the spacing in the .css files, simplify the generator even more and improve the styling of the website just a bit. It finally got nice looking blockquotes. The sidebar is painted light gray again because the sand-ish color was a bit too jarring with the rest of the website and removes focus from the content.

Been thinking for a while how I could change the styling of the website to a dark theme, but so far I couldn't find any nice color scheme that fits the bill. Hopefully when bootstrap 5.2.0 comes out I can get something that would be suitable for the website.