lp0 on fire

My personal blog

Website: Update

After investing a bit more time into the website's html generator while I've been stuck in bed since the weekend (caught a cold), I managed to reduce the amount of redundant code while adding in more functionality.

Optimizing code

Biggest change is the migration to markdown-it. The previous markdown parser I used (showdown) is fast but not fast enough, and neither is it very extendable. Thanks to the migration to the new parser, I could remove all code I wrote for prismjs and have it properly handled inside the parser instead.

New features

Another cool thing is that I can now finally include html5 media tags (audio, video) into articles from markdown using native markdown syntax. I really like it because it allows me to finally share music without having to rely on youtube or spotify links.

Below is an example:


Overall I'm really happy with the result. It's nice to know that extending the generator's capabilities is going to be easy in the future and that it doesn't have to be at the expense of something else.